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Feeling Cramped? Try These Decluttering Tips

Are you feeling cramped? It happens. At some point, we all hit a point where even our homes start to feel too small for our stuff. You can lighten up your load by following these tips from Hennick’s Furniture & Sleep Center.

Image of clean countertops

Clear Off All Flat Surfaces

Clean off all flat surfaces and donate or sell anything that isn't a necessity. Remember, a surface doesn't have to be a table or countertop to qualify as "flat." It can also mean shelves, cabinets, dressers… even your bed. Clear out your dresser, clean off the top of your refrigerator, and sweep all surfaces clear of knick-knacks or other things you’ve accumulated. 

Image of organized countertops

Make The Most Of Storage

If you are short on storage space, utilize every nook and cranny. Hang your pots and pans above the stove or attach a extra tension rod inside your closet for hanging up clothes. The more you can use vertical space to hang items instead of stuffing or stacking them in drawers, the better off you'll be. You can also invest in pieces of furniture that increase your storage — we have tons of options in our showroom and online! 

Image of an organized closet

Ask Yourself What You Really Use

After you've done the heavy lifting of getting rid of items that aren't necessities, take a look at which items you use most often. Is there any way to consolidate? Put like items together, and store items that are used less frequently on higher shelves or in another room. If you haven’t used something in over a year, it might be time to donate it. 

Image of mom and daughter putting away laundry

Declutter On A Regular Basis

Don't let your home get too cluttered again. It can be hard to maintain a clutter-free home, and it's easy to let things pile up over time. Take 10 minutes each day and go around empty the trash, collect laundry or put away groceries — anything that needs immediate attention in order to avoid becoming a mess. Set a timer and try to stick to that routine. It's surprising how much you'll accomplish in such a short amount of time!

Make The Most Of Your Space With Furniture From Hennick’s!

Sometimes, a great piece of furniture is all you need to get your home organized! Whether it’s a large dresser, a coffee table with built in storage, or a new bookcase, we’ve got what you’re looking for at Hennick’s Furniture & Sleep Center. Shop online or visit our furniture showroom in Bandon